Autor: Jarosław Jamka
The newest and fastest Blackwell super chip has not yet gone on sale for good, and Nvidia is already working on Blackwell’s successor, called Rubin.
Jensen Huang: „We have code names in our company and we try to keep them very secret. Oftentimes, most of the employees don’t even know, but our next generation platform is called Rubin, the Rubin platform.”
Nvidia shortened the product cycle to one year: Blackwell in 2024, Blackwell Ultra in 2025, Rubin in 2026 and Rubin Ultra in 2027. This will enable even faster development of AI and the creation of even larger data centers.
Jensen Huang: „Our company has a one-year rhythm. Our basic philosophy is very simple: build the entire data center scale, disaggregate and sell to you parts on a one-year rhythm, and push everything to technology limits”.
Jensen Huang: „The days of millions of GPU data centers are coming, and the reason for that is very simple. Of course, we want to train much larger models, but very importantly in the future, almost every interaction you have with the internet or with a computer will likely have a generative AI running in the cloud somewhere, and that generative AI is working with you, interacting with you, generating videos or images or text, or maybe a digital human. And so you’re interacting with your computer almost all the time. And there’s always a generative AI connected to that. Some of it is on prem, some of it is on your device, and a lot of it could be in the cloud. These generative AIs will also do a lot of reasoning capability instead of just one shot answers. They might iterate on answers. So that it’d improve the quality of the answer before they give it to you. And so the amount of generation we’re going to do in the future is going to be extraordinary”.
Figure 1 shows a comparison of the Hooper, Blackwell and Rubin platforms.

Jensen Huang: „So we have the Rubin platform, and one year later we have the Rubin Ultra platform. All of these chips that I’m showing you here are all in full development, 100% of them. And the rhythm is one year at the limits of technology. All are architecturally compatible. So this is basically what NVIDIA is building”.
Figure 2 shows the details of the Blackwell platform.

Meanwhile, Nvidia is currently down 11.70% from the June 18 all-time high – see Figure 3.

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